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Rhu & Shandon Community Council

Clothescollection for Ukraine

Clothescollection for Ukraine

Added at 18:22 on 24 May 2023

Clothes Collection for Ukraine - Saturday 27th May - 10 am to 12 noon 
There will be a Clothes collection for the Ukraine on Saturday 27th 10-12 in the Church Hall. All items of Mens,Women’s and Childrens clothing in a wearable condition will be gratefully received by our partner  charity -Glasgow the Caring City.  We appreciate that so many of you have given very  generously in the past but if you could spare just a few items – they would be so appreciated.

If you can donate  some things, please bring them on the 27th in a bin bag with the top tied. 

On behalf of Glasgow the Caring City we thank you for your support.


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