Forest Roads and Paths
Forest Roads and Paths
Formation of Forest Trails 21/02614/PNWAY. Highlandman's And Torr Forest : Updated on A&B Planning portal on June 7th 2023. The decision is now - Undetermined Application
For the record as you can see from the maps below, this road is also being built in the woodlands approved for the lands at Letrault and Stuckenduff.
March 18th 2023. A large excavator travelled up Pier and Station Roads to start winning stone from the quarry in Highlandman's wood, for the forest path. Image of escavator on the news pages. The road building began.
The documentation for this road application appeared in the weekly planning list on 17th December 2021, which was when we saw it, with the deadline for comments being 5th January 2022. The new owner of the land shown below is an Investment Company based in Oxfordshire. Forest paths are classed as Permitted Developments. Regulations are in place which protect the habitat and surrounding land and the response made by the Community Council emphasied the necessity of these and objected, not for the first time, that the servicing of this new woodland is proposed, in perpetuity, to be via Pier and Station Roads. Click here to see the response made by the Community Council. We also submitted an Archaeology report, since we did not feel that the one submitted with the application, was comprehensive enough.
Following pressure from the Community Council, the agent, Scottish Woodlands have been required by Scottish Forestry, to submit a Screening Opinion (21/FGS/62925/-001). We received this document on September 7th 2023. On page 3 in the Cultural Heritage section it is stated that some archeaological features may be damaged in the building of the road. We expect this to be followed by an Environmental Impact Assessment.
The following two images show the paths which will be constructed according to the original plans. You can get better images from the planning website by typing the reference number into Simple Search.