Masterplan for Rhu Marina
The existing marina area is a mixed use Potential Development Area (PDA) and, as such, a masterplan for the whole area is required before any development can take place.
The application 23/00615/MPLAN identifies three phases in the development of this masterplan.
Phase One is the new clubhouse and slipway, Phase 2 is the development of the existing marina and Phase 3 proposes the expansion of the marina site to the west by the reclamation of land for additional car and boat parking. This will involve infilling part of the foreshore of Rhu Bay.
There have been opportunities for residents to view the plans: on 1st June ar RNCYC, on June 10th at Rhu Gala and on June 27th at Rhu Community Centre.
January 2000. A proposed pre-application notice for Erection of New Yacht Clubhouse with associated access, parking, yard and boat storage area (at Rhu Marina) and Conversion of Existing Clubhouse and Gatehouse to form residential units and Erection of New Residential Dwelling Units (at Royal Northern Yacht Club) was submitted to Argyll and Bute.
The documents consisted of
- documents/planning/rncyc/poan-complete-and-signed-15112019.pdfa pre-application Notice and
- Location Plan
The Pre-application Consultation with Developers was held in RNCYC on Wednesday 29th January.
Planning Circular 3/2013 oulines the purpose of this required meeting as follows:
2.6 The objective of PAC is for communities to be better informed about major and national development proposals and to have an opportunity to contribute their views before a formal planning application is submitted to the planning authority. This helps to: improve the quality of planning applications; mitigate negative impacts where possible; address misunderstandings; and to air and to address where practicable any community issues. Any adjustments made as a result of PAC should improve the proposals and assist the efficient consideration of applications once submitted.
2.7 PAC does not take away the need for, and right of, individuals and communities to express formal views to the planning authority during the planning application process itself. This should be emphasised by the prospective applicant during PAC. While engagement should be meaningful, the prospective applicant is not obliged to take on board community views, or directly reflect them in any subsequent application. It is important, therefore, for communities and others to follow their interest in a proposal through to the planning application stage, when views can be made to the planning authority before it determines the application.