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Rhu & Shandon Community Council

Vote for Community Projects

Added on 13 April 2018

This year residents have the opportunity to decide how the £28,072 Supporting Community Fund  for Helensburgh and Lomond will be spent.

You can vote online or attend one of the nine Voting Promotional Events to be held in Helensburgh and Lomond. 


  • The website cleverly deletes what you have voted for and displays how much you have left to allocate. 
  • If you change your mind after you have left the site, you can submit a new vote and only your last voting session will be counted.
  • The site will close at midnight on 30th April. 
  • Results will be available on 3rd May at and emailed out to anyone who has provided an email address when they voted.

Voting Promotional Event  for those who do not wish to vote online will be held in  the Rhu and Shandon Community Centre on Monday 16th April between 2pm and 5 pm.

This is a pilot project this method of decision making will be evaluated!

I recommend that you visit the site and have your say on the distribution of money and on the system! The software is very clever! It even randomising the 21 projects each time you enter the site so that the unfortunate #21 is not always the same project!

< Last meeting of Community CouncilBeach Clean on 15th April 2018 >