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Rhu & Shandon Community Council


Added on 27 February 2021

Argyll and Bute, the British Red Cross, Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface and Argyll and Bute Council, are working in partnership to develop a reserve of volunteers who can help to support the COVID-19 vaccination programme if required.

The support offered from the voluntary sector in Scotland will be for non-clinical roles.  The following list gives some examples of how volunteers may be asked to help:

  • ·       Meeting and greeting people as they arrive for their vaccination
  • ·       Marshalling of queues
  • ·       Helping with patient flow
  • ·       Reminding people of safe practice

 Individual volunteers have to register with the TSI volunteering Portal  shown in the link below.

< Deadlines for Surveys connected with the Proposed Woodlands.Marie Curie Update >