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Rhu & Shandon Community Council

Planning Applications for proposed woodlands.

Added on 27 December 2020

This weeks Planning List includes the applications

Stuckenduff: 20/02234/FGS


Letrault: 20/02235/FGS

The physical appearence of this website will change in the next few weeks to make it display better on  a mobile phone.

Meanwhile the page on this website  which displays Local Planning Application details cannot be updated. This is why I have included these Applications References here.

You can type these each reference number in turn into the Simple Search box which you will find on the external link below.

Anyone can make a representation on the applications in the usual way.

 Most of the information on the Argyll and Bute site has been posted on our website since we received it on 4th December

< Woodland Creation at Letrault and StuckenduffScam Vaccine text >