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Rhu & Shandon Community Council

Increase in Scams

Added on 27 April 2020

Some of the most recent scams which have been reported by consumers across Scotland, including those related to the COVID-19 outbreak.

  • Travel Cancellations
  • Mobility Aid Scams
  • Netflix Scam
  • Misleading Adverts for IV Drips
  • Hand Sanitiser - Official Guidance
  • Volunteer Shopping Cards
  • Pension Scams
  • Unfair Business Practices
  • Financial Impact COVID 19

Google reported this week that they are blocking around 18 million scam emails related to Covid-19 each day: a fifth of all hoax messages sent to Gmail accounts. Cyber criminals are taking advantage of people's uncertainty around developments relating to the pandemic and, as well as emails, are rapidly creating malicious websites and apps that appear similar to genuine software.

Use this link to head straight to this weeks Scam Share 

A Suspicious Email Reporting Service to makes it easy for people to forward suspicious emails to them, including those related to Covid-19.

Stay safe while online at home and report all scams to Advice Direct Scotland on 0808 164 6000.

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