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Rhu & Shandon Community Council

Help Trees Help Us

Added on 26 March 2022


To access all HTHU and non-HTHU paperwork associated with the Scottish Government petitionProtect Scotland's Ancient Woodlands Before COP26

FacebookHelp Trees Help Us  
Find your MSP here and MPs here and ask them to support the aims of the petition
Find ancient woodland near you:  Scotland's Woodland Map.  (You need to add to the 'ADD MAP DATA LAYERS' section 'Ancient Woodland Inventory of Scotland' and apply it to the map.  The ancient woodland is in green).  
Report any threats or damage to a woodland to the Woodland Trust here: tell-us-about-a-threat
ANYONE can submit a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) application. Find out more here: tree-preservation-orders and here:how-protect-trees-guide-tree-preservation-orders

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