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Rhu & Shandon Community Council

Helensburgh Red Cross Hall - Have your say

Added on 19 February 2020

Helensburgh Community Hall is a community group working to secure the Red Cross Hall on East Princes St, Helensburgh for future generations. Our vision for the building is a welcoming, multi-functional community space, for people in the town to come together, to tackle isolation, and to support health and wellbeing. We also want to ensure that the Foodbank, book sale, and other services currently at the Hall can continue. Our Community Right to Buy application in autumn 2019 was successful, and we are now seeking funding from the Scottish Land Fund to buy the Hall.

This will only happen if the community wants it; it will make a difference; be sustainable; and not duplicate other activity in the town. To ensure this is the case, we want to ask your views. Please take a few minutes to fill in this short survey: your views and ideas will help us to develop plans for the Hall.

 Please note, to prevent multple submissions from the same person, the survey is set up so that you can only enter it once from a computer, tablet or mobile phone  so don't open it unless you are going to complete it then and then.

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