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Rhu & Shandon Community Council

Free showing of award winning Documentary

Added on 11 February 2018

On March 5,

 Civic Centre, Marriage Rooms 


NHS Scotland  is screening the award winning documentary,

Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope

followed by a discussion about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) around what we can do in Argyll and Bute to mitigate against the negative effects of ACEs. 

The event is free and open to everyone.  To book a place:

contact or call 01436 655076.

This documentary investigates the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the detrimental impact that toxic stress can have on health in childhood and beyond. The film follows original controversial research which revealed the most important public health findings of a generation. It showcases pioneering individuals who looked at the ACEs research and the emerging science of Toxic Stress and asked, “Why are we waiting?”
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) refer to stressful events occurring in childhood (between 0 to 18 years), however the impact of these events can be felt throughout the life course. These lifelong impacts on health and behaviour are relevant to all sectors and involve all of us in society. We all have a part to play in preventing adversity and raising awareness of ACEs. Resilient communities have an important role in action on ACEs.

For more information on ACEs from a Scottish perspective visit Health Scotland’s dedicated ACE pages .

A short trailer for the film can also be found here. 
note: I cannot download the trailer, but this is probably my BB speed in North Shandon!

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