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Rhu & Shandon Community Council

Cycling Safety for Children

Added on 19 June 2020

Fact:A major children’s hospital has treated more children involved in cycling injuries during lockdown than over the whole of 2019.

General Advice

Carry out a regular safety check (tyres at the correct pressure, brakes working and nothing loose like spokes, saddle or handlebars) RoSPA has a video and checklist to help you.

Wearing a cycle helmet will help provide protection to the head in the event of a collision or falling off (remember to replace if damaged) and follow the manufacturer’s fitting instructions.
Make sure that your child isn’t wearing any loose clothing or shoe laces which could become tangled in the chain or wheels.

Mark Lilley, paediatric major trauma co-ordinator at the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow, has been speaking about the injuries he has seen and how to prevent them. Click on the external link below to view his videp

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