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Rhu & Shandon Community Council

Community Council Elections

Added on 27 February 2018

Election Day  26th April 2018

see the News Item with the complete schedule posted earlier today

The Nomination period will run from Tuesday 6 March to Thursday 22 March 2018 (closing date). Forms must be lodged with the Returning Officer by no later than 4.00pm on Thursday 22 March 2018.

You can obtain a nomination pack:

  • By downloading one from
  • In person from Helensburgh Civic Centre on East Clyde Street
  • By emailing and I will send you out a word document. This has the advantage that you can type your statement.
  • Completed nominations cannot be accepted prior to 6th March and that anyone who submits a nomination form by email on or after this date must follow this up by posting the original to the Returning Officer, Kilmory, Lochgilphead, PA31 8RT, or by taking the original to Helensburgh Civic Centre.  The email address may be used for emailing nomination packs to the Returning Officer.


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