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Rhu & Shandon Community Council

Police Bogus Caller Warning

Added on 11 February 2018

Message from Sgt Magee on behalf of Police Scotland:

Following the recent suspect bogus caller incident in Rosneath and press coverage in the local paper Police Scotland would like to take this opportunity to remind residents how they can avoid the risk of becoming a victim of this crime.
This type of crime is often targeted at the elderly and vulnerable members of the community, however everyone could potentially fall victim to this type of crime. The perpetrators are professional liars in their methods of deceit. 
Be alert when you have unknown callers at your door. Never allow them access to your home if you are unsure of them
Always check their identification, if you still have suspicions call the company they represent, genuine callers will be prepared to wait till you are satisfied as to their identity.
Always close and lock your door when you are at home, use a chain if callers attend. Keep Handbags, purses and other personal papers out of sight or in a safe place.
If you are cold called never give out personal information out over the phone. Banks will not cold call seeking bank details, PIN numbers or requesting you to move money to a new account for security breaches. 


 Report suspicious activity to Action Fraud
by calling 0300 123 2040, or  visiting

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