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Rhu & Shandon Community Council

Newsletter #35

Added on 24 September 2017

If you are on our Mailing list, you should have received the Newsletter yesterday. If you cannot see the banner image and the picture of the BeachCleaners, click 'View this email in your browser'

Rhu and Shandon Community Council  uses MailChimp to send out information by email. Your email address does not appear on any website and so you will not receive any unsolicited email as a result of being on our emailing list.

However, because MailChimp is used by marketing worldwide, many Internet Service Providers identify this email as spam. The theory is that if you move the Newsletters email out of spam often enough, your ISP will recognise emails from us as safe and direct future ones to your inbox. That is the theory!

If you use gmail, the Newsletter will probably land in the Promotions folder.
