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Rhu & Shandon Community Council

Keep Safe on line

Added on 27 March 2020

 Message from Ruth Cairns. Community Learning Worker 

With the current situation people are spending more of their work, learning, and leisure time online and using digital devices. This can be a blessing when we are having to stay at home and away from others. However, it’s important to keep yourself safe online just like you would in anywhere else. Helensburgh and Lomond Community Learning will be posting links to a variety of resources on their Facebook page from today  but we encourage you to look at the websites below which contain online safety information and advice for all ages.

  • Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.
  • Netaware: Your guide to social networks, apps and games
  • Safe internet: UK Safer Internet Centre is a partnership of three leading charities with a mission to make the internet a better place for children and young people.
  • Parent information: As a parent you can sign up for regular updates
  • Internet Matters: Helping parents keep children safe on line
  • NSPCC advice: Keeping children safe on line
  • Safe Stars: Internet safety tips for Adults and kids
  • Age UK: Keep safe online

There must be a lot of overlap. If anyone has advice on which is really good, I will add it to this item!

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