Helensburgh and Lomond Housing Market Survey
Added on 23 January 2018
Information for residents on this survey commissioned by A&B to assess current and future need and demand for new build housing and related services
Local households, selected by random sampling, will be contacted directly by the independent consultants over the period January to March 2018.
- The consultants will need to speak to people living in all kinds of properties and tenures.
- The survey will involve face-to-face interviews (these should take around 30 minutes) and all interviewers will display identity cards and notification of authorisation from the council.
- The survey is voluntary but to obtain an accurate picture of housing needs across Helensburgh and Lomond it is important that consultants speak to people living in all kinds of properties and tenures.
- All the information collected in the survey will remain strictly confidential and anonymous under the terms of the Data Protection Act and will be used for research and statistical purposes only.
For any queries regarding the conduct of the survey, please contact:
Lorna Shaw, Research Resource on 0800 121 8987 or by email lorna.shaw@researchresource.co.uk
Research Resource, 17B Main Street, Cambuslang G72 7EX
If you require verification or would like any further information regarding the Housing Market Study, please contact
Douglas Whyte, Team Lead – Housing Strategy, Argyll and Bute Council on 01546604785 ordouglas.whyte@argyll.bute.gov.uk