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Rhu & Shandon Community Council

Facebook Scam

Added on 27 February 2021

The following message has been circulated on behalf of Police Scotland L Division, Dunoon Police Office.
An incident was reported to police on 18/2/21 regarding a financial scam involving Facebook. The reporter was contacted through Facebook messenger by one of her friends saying that she needed some help with money. The reporter sent her friend some money to the account number and sort code that she provided on the message.

Shortly after sending this money, the friend contacted her to say her Facebook page had been hacked and that this request had been fraudulent.

If you are contacted by someone through Facebook, text or email asking you for money or asking you to change an existing direct debit or standing order please speak with them directly before sending money through to confirm this is a genuine request. Contact them on a number you know to be theirs or if this is from a bank, then call the number on the back of your bank card
