Democracy Matters : Local Governance Review
Added on 01 December 2018
Since May this year the Scottish Government and COSLA have been encouraging community groups to hold Democracy Matters conversations across the country. The ideas generated through these conversations are being gathered and will ensure that the outcomes of the review focus on what local people have identified.
Two events are been arranged in Oban
Wednesday 5 December 12pm- 2.30pm, Corran Halls, PA34
Wednesday 5 December 5.30pm – 8pm, The Rockfield Centre, PA34
Read more about it and book a place by clicking on OBAN
Who are these events for?
This event is open to everyone! All welcome, whether you're an interested member of the public, working professional or a student. We encourage everyone to take part and share their ideas, but feel free to say as little or as much as you like.
More info
Can't make it? Submit an idea online here: