Added at 16:49 on 13 March 2024
There are several vacancies on the Community Council.
If we do not get more members, we will have to reduce our battles on the community's behalf.
- Are you concerned about the timber transport lorries that trundle up and down Pier and Station Roads?.
- Do you care about the birds that nest on the hills behind Rhu and Shandon?
- Do you think we ought to have a Christmas Lights switch on in December?
- Are you concerned about the state of our roads?
- Do you care about our Green belt? Empress Field, where the herons nest ,will be under threat very soon.
- Should Aldownwick Glen be protected?
If you would be willing to help on any of these matters, and many others, please join us.
The views of our community is important to us.
You will need to fill in and submit the following three forms: Nomination Form, Home Address Form, Candidates Statement.
The conduct of the bi-election is explained in the Nomination pack.
If you would like word versions of the forms you have to submit, please contact Secretary@rhuandshandoncommunty.org
The deadline for the submission of these forms is Thursday 21st March at 4pm. If we do not get enough volunteers, we may not be able to form a Community Council.
If you do decide to join us please let any member of the Community Councill know. Co-optees have to submit forms.