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Rhu & Shandon Community Council

A&B Satisfaction Survey

Added on 24 November 2019

See the News Item posted on 30th October

I received notification of this survey on 27th October, but as it was addressed to me personally I asked the "Performance" section at Argyll and Bute whether I could share it with the community and was told that you could only complete the survey if you first signed up for "keep me in the loop"

The survey was withdrawn on October 28th! The following is an extract from the justification.!

I appreciate your comment that 1 week seems a short time for a satisfaction survey. I’ve been informed that 99% of responses are received within the first 3 days of a survey launching.

We were mindful of the timing of this survey as the large Budget Consultation survey was about (and has since) launched.

The timing of this survey was limited as the results will be used in conjunction with the Scottish Household Survey’s data release which we are expecting shortly.

Going forward the intention is to undertake another satisfaction survey during 2020. I will pass on your comments regarding no end date as well as the short time frame, and I’ll request the survey is open for longer than 1 week.

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