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Rhu & Shandon Community Council

Road Works on A82 Leven Bridge

Added on 28 February 2018

Scotland TranServ are to carry out waterproofing and resurfacing of the A82 Leven Bridge starting Monday 5th March, with completion currently scheduled for the end of April.

The first stage of the works will involve the southbound carriageway with works being programmed from 5th March until the 29th of March. In order to reduce disruption over the Easter Weekend all works and traffic management will be lifted during this period. Works to the  northbound carriageway will commence on the 4th of April and will likely to be on site until the 29th April, depending on extent of work required.

Works will operate 24 hours per day with traffic management for the works consisting of a contraflow.

The external link below gives details of all the roadworks in Scotland

